
Natural language processing tool with AI: Here’s how it can help your business

Artificial Intelligence solutions


Today, one third of total investments by companies is about Intelligent Data Processing projects and specifically 28% of investments are reserved for natural language processing tool and Chatbots, according to data extracted from the latest report prepared by the Observers of the Polytechnic of Milan following the presentation conference of the Research results of the Artificial Intelligence Observatory, of which Revelis was a partner.

The data highlights how artificial intelligence solutions have now exploded in the Italian market; a recent example is also given by ChatGPT, which has involved tens of millions of users in just a few weeks.

The report shows that today more than 6 out of 10 large companies have already started at least one AI project and 15% among SMEs. 

Understanding what NLP is and how these techniques can be integrated with artificial intelligence techniques is crucial to understand the benefits that this solution can bring to companies today.

Natural language processing tool: what they are

By Natural Language Processing tool (NLP), we mean artificial intelligence algorithms that are capable at analyzing, representing, and therefore understanding natural language.

The objectives for which natural language processing is used can be multiple, such as:

  • Understanding the content;
  • Translation;
  • The production of text autonomously from data or documents provided as input.

Natural language processing tool:  how they works

The NLP techniques allow the analysis of text, the interpretation and classification and translation of the same, up to the prediction of future behaviors, with the ultimate goal of providing computer systems with linguistic knowledge for:

  • Providing assistance to humans for those activities related to language;
  • Interact with human beings;
  • Extract, translate and classify information from texts.

Natural language processing tool: application cases

To understand the benefits that companies can obtain from automatic text processing in natural language, first of all it is important to define what the possible applications in business are.

It will then be easy to understand why companies are increasingly interested in NLP solutions.

By the usage of advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, NLP finds numerous application areas.

Among these we find:

  • Text Analytics;
  • Text Classification;
  • Text Generation;
  • Language Translation;
  • Information Retrieval;
  • Intent Monitoring;
  • Sentiment Analysis;
  • Smart Search;
  • Automatic Summarization;
  • Information Extraction;
  • Document Management;
  • Data Enrichment;
  • Topic Discovery;
  • Brand Monitoring.

These tasks can enable industrial use cases such as:

  • Analysis of corporate emails to categorize and find unwanted messages;
  • Highlighting specific topics from a text;
  • Analysis and review of long and complex texts such as contracts and corporate documents;
  • Classification of documents as reports, emails, tickets, or other within distinct categories;
  • Fraud prevention through text analysis;
  • Solutions for the analysis of news articles, for example, to recognize fake news;
  • Understanding the tone and mood with which a sentence is expressed or written;
  • Complaint management.

These are obviously only some of the different applications that NLP can have in various sectors, but once the types of functions that NLP can have for businesses are understood, it is easy to translate these capabilities into advantages.

The benefits of Natural language processing tool

How can this technology bring benefits to companies? Here are some use cases:

  • Greater efficiency through the automation of the most time-consuming processes;
  • Mitigation of risks;
  • Reduction of costs;
  • Increase in profits by leveraging the value of data;
  • Customer satisfaction through the analysis of customer feedback on products and services to understand satisfaction and improve the user experience.

Natural language processing tool and artificial intelligence

The CEO of Revelis Salvatore Iiritano says that  “Artificial intelligence tools combined with Natural language processing techniques, which companies are increasingly investing in, allow for creating new opportunities for businesses,”.

But how can artificial intelligence tools integrate Natural language processing techniques?

An example is ARTICA, the solution developed by Revelis for Text Analytics that uses Natural Language Processing algorithms in combination with machine learning and deep learning models in order to analyze the texts of tickets submitted by users and support their resolution.

Revelis has the skills to offer technology solutions and thanks to NLP integrated with artificial intelligence techniques it can offer technology solutions that optimize work in different sectors creating a significant saving of time and costs.

Discover how Revelis can support you by offering advanced technology solutions to optimize your business. Contact us.